Neelakantha Meditation Practice
as How does NM work?
There is an ancient teaching in the Upanshads that says “Capture The Fort.” We have many goals in life and we can think of each of them as separate mines, one of gold, one of diamonds, etc. This metaphor states rather than trying to conquer each gold or diamond mine, (each separate facet of awareness), capture the fort (unite with the Source) and rule over it all. Absolute Consciousness is the ruler of the entire relative world.
That is what the practice of Neelakantha Meditation does. It rapidly shifts our perspective and the experience of our lives.
It works on subtle levels of our existence, bringing our awareness to the dimensions of our existence of which we are ordinarily unaware. By spending some few minutes, twice a day, attention rests in the potent vibrating silence within. Coming out we bring something with us.
Every human deserves access to the depths of reality, of consciousness, the deep support, nourishment and aliveness found in their own consciousness. From this space all creative impulse flows. Not as a hope or mood making, but as true experience.
Neelakantha Meditation is for life; about living the best life possible under the current condition and circumstances. It up-levels the condition of our entire being, releasing accumulated fatigue and stress and increasing the body’s natural capacity to heal. It is deeply transformational.
We are beings of vibration, the heart has rhythms, the breath pulses. Neelakantha Meditation use the vibratory tool of mantra, which permits awareness to turn naturally within. Most of the time our awareness is engaged only at the surface of life, moving outward through our senses. Because Neelakantha Meditation allows our awareness to move inward naturally, we are able to enter deep states of restfulness, to steep in a vibrant place of stillness within.
It is easy to learn using the inherent character of the mind to move toward more and the body to heal. We take awareness deep inside, beyond thoughts, feelings and emotions, not somewhere foreign but to the source of our very own self. Coming back out into life we marvel at the higher levels of creativity, intelligence, strength, compassion and love that pour out. It is from this nourishment that life is enriched. It is from this stance that life is lived.
There is nothing to believe and no particular skill necessary. Once received, awareness travels naturally deep inside to the silent and dynamically alive source of all potentiality. It is from this nourishment that life is enriched. It is from this stance that life is lived.
What are the benefits of NM?
The levels of clarity and peace that continue to open to me are astounding. I am able to engage and contribute more deeply in the joys of life without clinging to what will inevitably end. I am able to be steady and efficacious in times of challenge without being held hostage by the sorrow. Neelakantha Meditation does not indict life but rather says, life is precious. There is no time to waste, Capture The Fort!” And in doing so, become more skillful in living.
That said, it is not a panacea, it is a practice for life. The life we yearn to live. The benefits are numerous from the practical to the sublime. Some are immediately apparent and others reveal themselves as our practice deepens.
Over the years I have experienced many benefits that continue to deepen, as others are brought to light:
How do I learn?
You can learn Neelakantha Meditation by way of formal personal meditation instruction either in person or on-line.
We will meet for two separate sessions:
Day 1: You will receive detailed instructions about how to do the practice, with enough knowledge to begin to practice on your own. Plan for 1.5 - 2 hours for Day 1.
Day 2: We will practice together. You will be given deeper theory, how it works, to support your practice with time for questions. Plan for 2.5 - 4 hours for the Day 2 explanation.
When you complete this two-day course you will leave with the knowledge to establish a self-sufficient practice for a lifetime. There is also as much support as you wish to take advantage of along the way.
What is Included in the course?
The possibilities are endless in terms of the way you wish to walk your path. These are the first beginning steps, some will want to move slowly, others are ready to leap and as you deepen your practice, things will change. Regardless, you are encouraged and supported by me over two days in learning Neelakantha Meditation.
By the end of these sessions you will have all you need for a fully self-sufficient practice of deep meditation. At that time, you will gain access to a full range of support to answer the questions that inevitably arise, help you to navigate challenges, and support you in establishing a lifetime transformative practice.
Blue Throat Yoga, as an authentic meditation school, offers participants as much guidance as the mind requires. One does not need to study, the practice alone offers all you need. And, as in all things, consistency is key and study is the mechanism that 'makes the mind a friend' until experience can catch up. In this way, Blue Throat Yoga is unique.
Your participation is optional and entirely flexible. You can join teleseminars live, when that fits into your schedule, or listen to the recordings later, as and if you choose. You decide which materials to engage with and when. You have full access to all materials and can download whatever you like for ongoing support.
The support includes:
• Live Interactive Meditation Practice Teleseminars with Q&A (live or recorded).
• Extensive online library of pre-recorded teachings and study materials to support practice and understanding.
• Instruction into powerful, supportive practices and japa mantras (for recitation).
• Answers to questions via email, live teleseminars, and FAQ audios.
• Opportunity to attend transformative Vibrating Silence Meditation Retreats after 3 months of practice.
• Original scholarly translation and commentary on classical Tantric texts by renowned scholar Paul Muller-Ortega,
including the Śiva Sūtras, the Pratyabhijñā-Hṛdayam of Kṣemarāja and more that directly enliven your meditation
• Attendance at Day 2/Key Teachings of any Neelakantha Meditation weekend at no additional cost.
• Invitation to local gatherings open to all Neelakantha Meditation practitioners.
Course support is offered through Blue Throat Yoga
The total cost for the initial instruction with me, along with the support program from Blue Throat Yoga:
Regular – $450
Full-time students 18-26 years – $360
Seniors 75-85 years – $360
Seniors 86 years and over – $0
Flexible payment plans are available
There is an ancient teaching in the Upanshads that says “Capture The Fort.” We have many goals in life and we can think of each of them as separate mines, one of gold, one of diamonds, etc. This metaphor states rather than trying to conquer each gold or diamond mine, (each separate facet of awareness), capture the fort (unite with the Source) and rule over it all. Absolute Consciousness is the ruler of the entire relative world.
That is what the practice of Neelakantha Meditation does. It rapidly shifts our perspective and the experience of our lives.
It works on subtle levels of our existence, bringing our awareness to the dimensions of our existence of which we are ordinarily unaware. By spending some few minutes, twice a day, attention rests in the potent vibrating silence within. Coming out we bring something with us.
Every human deserves access to the depths of reality, of consciousness, the deep support, nourishment and aliveness found in their own consciousness. From this space all creative impulse flows. Not as a hope or mood making, but as true experience.
Neelakantha Meditation is for life; about living the best life possible under the current condition and circumstances. It up-levels the condition of our entire being, releasing accumulated fatigue and stress and increasing the body’s natural capacity to heal. It is deeply transformational.
We are beings of vibration, the heart has rhythms, the breath pulses. Neelakantha Meditation use the vibratory tool of mantra, which permits awareness to turn naturally within. Most of the time our awareness is engaged only at the surface of life, moving outward through our senses. Because Neelakantha Meditation allows our awareness to move inward naturally, we are able to enter deep states of restfulness, to steep in a vibrant place of stillness within.
It is easy to learn using the inherent character of the mind to move toward more and the body to heal. We take awareness deep inside, beyond thoughts, feelings and emotions, not somewhere foreign but to the source of our very own self. Coming back out into life we marvel at the higher levels of creativity, intelligence, strength, compassion and love that pour out. It is from this nourishment that life is enriched. It is from this stance that life is lived.
There is nothing to believe and no particular skill necessary. Once received, awareness travels naturally deep inside to the silent and dynamically alive source of all potentiality. It is from this nourishment that life is enriched. It is from this stance that life is lived.
What are the benefits of NM?
The levels of clarity and peace that continue to open to me are astounding. I am able to engage and contribute more deeply in the joys of life without clinging to what will inevitably end. I am able to be steady and efficacious in times of challenge without being held hostage by the sorrow. Neelakantha Meditation does not indict life but rather says, life is precious. There is no time to waste, Capture The Fort!” And in doing so, become more skillful in living.
That said, it is not a panacea, it is a practice for life. The life we yearn to live. The benefits are numerous from the practical to the sublime. Some are immediately apparent and others reveal themselves as our practice deepens.
Over the years I have experienced many benefits that continue to deepen, as others are brought to light:
- Increased Clarity
- Patience
- Intelligence
- Creativity
- Decreased Stress
- Ability to Release Limiting Patterns
- Compassion toward myself and others
- Deeper meaning of Freedom and Happiness
How do I learn?
You can learn Neelakantha Meditation by way of formal personal meditation instruction either in person or on-line.
We will meet for two separate sessions:
Day 1: You will receive detailed instructions about how to do the practice, with enough knowledge to begin to practice on your own. Plan for 1.5 - 2 hours for Day 1.
Day 2: We will practice together. You will be given deeper theory, how it works, to support your practice with time for questions. Plan for 2.5 - 4 hours for the Day 2 explanation.
- What Is Awareness?
- How and Why Does Awareness Move?
- How is Awareness Reflected at the Surface of Life?
- The Effects of Daily Meditation.
- Stabilizing Practice Long Term.
- Long Term Vision.
- Navigating the Blue Throat Yoga Library.
When you complete this two-day course you will leave with the knowledge to establish a self-sufficient practice for a lifetime. There is also as much support as you wish to take advantage of along the way.
What is Included in the course?
The possibilities are endless in terms of the way you wish to walk your path. These are the first beginning steps, some will want to move slowly, others are ready to leap and as you deepen your practice, things will change. Regardless, you are encouraged and supported by me over two days in learning Neelakantha Meditation.
By the end of these sessions you will have all you need for a fully self-sufficient practice of deep meditation. At that time, you will gain access to a full range of support to answer the questions that inevitably arise, help you to navigate challenges, and support you in establishing a lifetime transformative practice.
Blue Throat Yoga, as an authentic meditation school, offers participants as much guidance as the mind requires. One does not need to study, the practice alone offers all you need. And, as in all things, consistency is key and study is the mechanism that 'makes the mind a friend' until experience can catch up. In this way, Blue Throat Yoga is unique.
Your participation is optional and entirely flexible. You can join teleseminars live, when that fits into your schedule, or listen to the recordings later, as and if you choose. You decide which materials to engage with and when. You have full access to all materials and can download whatever you like for ongoing support.
The support includes:
• Live Interactive Meditation Practice Teleseminars with Q&A (live or recorded).
• Extensive online library of pre-recorded teachings and study materials to support practice and understanding.
• Instruction into powerful, supportive practices and japa mantras (for recitation).
• Answers to questions via email, live teleseminars, and FAQ audios.
• Opportunity to attend transformative Vibrating Silence Meditation Retreats after 3 months of practice.
• Original scholarly translation and commentary on classical Tantric texts by renowned scholar Paul Muller-Ortega,
including the Śiva Sūtras, the Pratyabhijñā-Hṛdayam of Kṣemarāja and more that directly enliven your meditation
• Attendance at Day 2/Key Teachings of any Neelakantha Meditation weekend at no additional cost.
• Invitation to local gatherings open to all Neelakantha Meditation practitioners.
Course support is offered through Blue Throat Yoga
The total cost for the initial instruction with me, along with the support program from Blue Throat Yoga:
Regular – $450
Full-time students 18-26 years – $360
Seniors 75-85 years – $360
Seniors 86 years and over – $0
Flexible payment plans are available