Where Is Genius To Be Found? December 11, 2017
What does it mean to open to grace? For me it is an invitation to welcome the impetus of life anew. It is the opportunity to do so with wonder and amazement at what the partnership might bring. Wonder is innocence enacted that contains the spark of genius. To be ‘in-genius’ is to be characterized by cleverness or originality of invention; to be resourceful. To see, hear, taste, sense in new and wondrous ways. To be inspired, in-spirit. No matter the authorship, it is never done alone. Myths offer the opportunity to grasp universal truths that transcend the limited construct of the individual. Partnering with grace is the dance depicted in the symbol of Nataraja enacted on both the cosmic and individual level. To dance in a perfect pas de deux one needs to surrender and flow in time with the music played. Nataraja taps out the beat of life on his ḍamaru drum and life moves. It never stops, until it does. It is the Ananda Tandava, the wild dance of life. One palm facing out in the gesture of ‘have no fear’, as the finger of another hand points gracefully to the extended foot inviting poise, balance and steadiness as the rhythm pulses to and fro. He steps on Apasmari, the symbolic depiction of our cosmic amnesia. The loss of the wholeness of our truest nature and fullest capacity is represented by that demon of forgetfulness. How do innocence and surrender play into something so clearly in need of skill and intelligence? Innocence is a supreme practice in that it lends itself to total presence of what is with no forced configuration of what might be created, while holding the outline of container. It is possibility without imposed contraction. It is wonder with all cylinders firing. Surrender too is a sublime practice in that it frees one to move with grace. Neither is mindless, though both require release of the limited mind in order to create. In truth every sort of intelligence is necessary in life. Indeed we must open to expand our intelligence in every possible way if we are to reach our potential. In this we must open to grace, to the possibility of a more fully realized life, a more fully realized humanity. Grace is the light that is the source of this day, this moment, this breath. She is the light that beats our heart and pulses the blood through our veins. We are vessels of light as it moves through every fiber of our beings. The container has only to be cleaned. To dance with grace then is to be innocent without relinquishing intelligence; surrender without complacency, with all senses heightened to possibility. And what of genius, where is this to be found? In deep meditation we melt our limited identity in its cosmic source and reclaim for a time, the wholeness that is each individual’s source and birth right. We emerge refreshed and subtly changed . Daily, that reclamation is built upon and we find latent talents and skills brought to the forefront. Possibility is expanded and courage the spontaneous byproduct of effort because it is rooted in our deepest core. To be inspired then is to be ‘in-spirit’; to dance with the muse that is not other but our very highest purest self. Merging, melting individual awareness in the embrace of source Is to know subtlety, expansion and possibility because it is the source of every creative impulse. There genius is revealed. Come, open to grace that is always present everywhere. All that is needed is innocent surrender to what you already possess and a practice that will effortlessly move awareness to the core of deepest reality. Meditation is the natural practice of innocence and surrender that effortlessly brings us home. Home, not as a barricade but as the source of support and power. Emerging dance gracefully, skillfully with wild abandon and poise no matter the tune. Hear the music of your muse. Surrender to the charms of your light. Open to Grace. Meditate.
Loretta Jacobson
12/11/2017 09:52:04 am
Absolutely beautifully written. Such inspiration to me. Thank you.
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